Christianity teaches Women should honor (respect) their husbands. The King James Version was translated obey, but the original Greek means respect. Men are to love their wives as themselves. In the past some men took the translation "obey" literally. This caused problems in the modern world.

In 1960, most dating didn't begin until age 16, when kids could drive. Most kids date around for 2 years before having sex. So statistics showed than 90% of kids did not have sex until after they were 18. Girls got married an average age of 19. Boys 21. Boys got their skills, trade, or college by 21. They were able to get and maintain a good paying job, thus were ready to marry. Girls usually got married out of high school at about 19. Divorce in 1960 was only about 20-30%, and usually early on. Most women didn't work but were stay at home moms. No need for daycare. Kids had supervision after school. Fathers provided the income and security for the family. Families worked together for common goals, homes, cars, vacations, etc. In 1960 50% of Americans attended church at least twice a week. Christian values were adhered to in public because of this. This kept crime down, and people knew and respected others more. Yes, there was adultry and divorce, but it was usually among the rich and upper class more so. Men with money, and women too, had too much time on their hands.

In 1900 90% of people still lived on farms or small towns. Fathers and mothers were at home more or had a small shop or store that kids could walk to if they needed their fathers. Divorce was very low. Families worked together.

Today, with the turning away from Christian values and principles, people are more angry, bitter, sex is easy and free, no commitment, no respect, murder and rape have increased, no loyalty to their job, their spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend. Also, the Bible says the sin of Sodom was idleness of time and fullness of bread. Too much idle time lead to the mess we have today, from free sex and adultry to the LBGTQ crap. No respect for human live lead to abortion. Unless we bring our missionary's home and have a massive revival in America, we are going the way of socialism and 3rd world crapholes. There is now no respect for the American system. Freedom of SPEACH, not cancel culture. Right to keep and bear arms, not disarm everyone in hopes crime will go down, it won't, they will just use knives and baseball bats. I hope we have revival. Athiests do not have to participate, but at least admit America under Christian influence if far better than socialism.