Somewhere between this...

Originally Posted by Bristoe
A big part of the problem is, a lot of young people today don't see any path to making enough money to set up housekeeping and raising kids.

Another is, young men are shying away from marriage because in the event of a divorce, the man will be financially ruined for all of eternity.

Basically, young people see the marriage "thing" as something that's not available to them. It's something the previous generations participated in.

...and this, lays the answer.

Originally Posted by Stophel
I think one of the biggest problems is that many men, despite the intense social programming to the contrary, still want a woman just like mom and grandmom and women of the past. An old fashioned, feminine (NOT feminist) woman. And not many of those exist anymore. Men become frustrated and go their own way, and the "strong, independent women" live empty lives because they can't find anyone to stay with them because they just "want" one, and "don't need a man".

After all these years, I finally found a good woman. The rest of you are on your own. wink

I am old and married so don't really give a toss.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.