Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by oldtrapper
Which is what, pappa Clark?

#1: The family court system.

#2: Unlimited porn at no cost.

I think you are wrong. There would be no need for the family court system if everyone who got married, stayed married. The family court system, in other words, is the result of the "Hookup Culture", not the cause.

As to #2, technology has indeed made it available at no cost, but the problem began long before the technology existed.

Both of the factors you cite are making matters worse, but they are not causes; rather, they are effects. I think humanity got on the slippery slope it is on now back in the '60s during the hippie era of "free love." There is no such thing. If it's free, it's not love and if it's love, it's not free.

^^^Part of the problem.^^^

What you say about the family court system and the effects it is having on men wanting to get married is undoubtedly true, but it didn't simply appear out of whole cloth in order to undermine the institution of marriage. It is simply the outgrowth of the philosophy that humans are just another form of animal. This leads to a predator-prey relationship among people and a "screw everything in sight but don't get married" mentality.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.