Originally Posted by Stophel
I think one of the biggest problems is that many men, despite the intense social programming to the contrary, still want a woman just like mom and grandmom and women of the past. An old fashioned, feminine (NOT feminist) woman. And not many of those exist anymore. Men become frustrated and go their own way, and the "strong, independent women" live empty lives because they can't find anyone to stay with them because they just "want" one, and "don't need a man".

I don’t believe men have changed much, women as a whole however have always been famously suggestible.

No accident that it was Eve who got talked into thinking that biting the apple was the thing to do.

Congrats on finding a good woman.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744