Originally Posted by RockyRaab
No, those are "Smart Pills". Talk somebody into eating just one and they instantly get a lot smarter.

Took ex SIL grandson hunting long time ago . Was showing him deer trails , rubs , and we came actions a pile of droppings . I told him pick one up . He did , looking at it puzzled . That's deer poop , you know how to tell if it's fresh ? He shook his head , no . I said you bite into it , if it still taste like shiet, it's fresh !
He got this fugged up look on his face and dropped it like a hot potato. When we got back he went running to Darlene and told her about it in detail . When he got to the punch line her face turned red and she shot darts for just a second . Then started laughing , the little fellow got all red faced and yelled at her , it's not funny ! Grandma !
Giving me the evil eye from a side glance , me and grandma both cracked up .
Ran into him a couple years ago , he was taller than me and a genuine toothless smile , I was glad to see him and the hug , but drove away saddened as it was obvious the dope had a grip on him .