Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by Dutch
And if pigs had wings they could fly…….

Ever heard of timers? Off peak rates? Off-peak grid under-utilization?

And everything in your “meme” is STILL wrong

Actually, it NOT my meme, and I frankly don't care about the math depicted in it. Couldn't care less.

What I DO care about, is all the EV Hoax being crammed down our throats when anyone with any common sense knows that the electric grid is shrinking, not growing. Mostly because of green policies implemented by democrats.
But the added stress of everyone having an EV to plug in and charge will make the recent brownouts look like child's play.

I'm NOT wrong.

Let's be upfront and honest here.

Liberals and women get twisted up about one thing and put their anger into something else. Not minding a good lie if it supports their current outrage.

There is a bunch of crap about "Green", and it is being rammed down our throats while we are robbed to pay for it.

None of that has a single thing to do with the truths of E-Vehicles.
There are issues concerning materials acquisition, battery life, batteries after
their useful life. Eventually, grid demand.

Do you have any idea of excess capacity of the grid during off peak hours?
Or the efficiencies of production if demand can be smoothed out?
Or the fact that most people's cars could be fully charged after the sun sets and
demand drops?

Don't own an e-car. Unless my money situation changed to the point I could
buy a new Tesla with cash, and not GAS about the whole deal, I wouldn't want one.
Quite happy burning fuel.

But the tech and honest facts are exciting to a gearhead who has room to learn.

Liquid fuels aren't going to disappear for a long time, if ever.
Saw a Tesla a few days ago, it didn't attack me.
Hell it didn't even spook me.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!