My first big game animal was a doe antelope, in 1965. I shot it while sighting through a 4x "Great West" scope (looked exactly like the Bushnell Banner on my dad's rifle). Since it was a bright, sunny day on the prairies, I could see the antelope just fine. The same rifle/scope combo accounted for a bull elk at just over 300 yards a bit later in the year. I broke that scope in a fall so I mounted a borrowed 2.5 weaver which looked like the lenses had been cleaned with steel wool. Nonetheless, I was able to see well enough to take several deer and a bear with this combo. I then got drafted so everything was put on hold for a couple of years. The next scope was a new Weaver K-4 which was much better, optically and was equal to the old Great West in that category. Fifty years later, I still have that old K-4 and it still works fine. I also have a bunch of "better" quality scopes. I can honestly say, over the last fifty years, in all kinds of conditions, I have never had a situation where optical clarity was of any consequence whatsoever. I even shot a black bear at night, in a full moon, while using that old K-4.
At 72, my eyes are much more limiting than any optical sighting device. GD