Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by T_Inman
Originally Posted by Springcove
Good binoculars and a spotter is a must in the western states.

I go back and forth concerning a spotter, unless we're talking about needing to call out legal animals with very specific criteria such as age classes of rams, full curls, point restrictions, etc.

I am not a numbers guy though and usually need just a cursory look at a critter before deciding to go for it or not. I have never once tried to mentally count inches and total an animal's score before deciding if I would be happy with him or not.

I carry a spotter a lot, but honestly can't ever remember thinking it was a necessity. Maybe it is just me, though it has told me whether a herd had a bull/buck in it or not, from afar.

I usually only take my spotting scope when I’m scouting. I’m a smidge terrified of breaking it while hunting. The abuse I can put my pack through, leans towards sadistic.

Spotter inside my pack, horns out front of me...Yeah, I’m not gonna take the time to pull it out before I’m jamming my pack down onto something to shoot from it.


Normally my binoculars are all I need but sometimes a spotter comes in handy. Sitting up on the top of peaks the binos just might not be enough to see what’s on the next one… Saves me a lot of walking.