Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Salvation is a process, not a one-time event. Salvation is in degrees, not necessarily all-or-nothing. We will each receive our reward according to our merits. Some will get more than others.

But , a number of times didn’t Jesus say “…. Your faith has saved you…” Like Luke 7:50….? He didn’t say “go start your process of salvation.”

Of course not. You are either going to Heaven or Hell. But there are levels of the Heavenly beatific vision. For instance, it highly unlikely that you or I are going to have the same level of closeness to God as say, John the Baptist. I illustrate it as being at a concert. Yes, everyone in the building is "at the concert" but some people have the cheap seats, some front row and the fortunate few get backstage passes.

That's why Paul tells us to keep running the race. If you aim for just the minimum, you will invariably fall short.

Politics is War by Other Means