Originally Posted by zcm82
Feral hogs are beginning to trickle into the area, though, so I'm sure they'll become an issue sooner than later.

There are "rumors" a few have been killed near a friends house. His property is within a mile of large sections of the Shawnee National Forrest. I'm really hoping they don't get established down here. Fortunately, there are a couple big rivers in the way of their northern migration.

It is challenging to comprehend that Australia is roughly the same size as the "lower 48" but with a population roughly equal to the greater Los Angles area. Then factor in something near 85% of the population lives within 30mi / 50km of the coast. That doesn't leave much for in the middle. I thought rural Nevada was sparsely populated.

Hoped I'd get the chance to visit when I worked for Peabody. They flew nearly every other engineer down there to visit a mine. I did find it amusing that one of the few Aussies I've worked with hadn't heard of Steve Irwin until he lived in the States. He also told me Aussies normally don't drink Fosters. I don't remember if it was him or someone else that told me XXXX got it's name because guys from Queensland can't spell beer. I believe he was from Perth. I assumed that was something similar to how Southerner's make fun of Yankee's here in the US. Personally, I'm a James Boag fan, when I can find it.

From what I've read/seen/heard, the history of wildlife in Australia is complicated. Lots of opinions on native, non-native, and feral species. Opinions of fox, hogs, rabbit, cane toads, and cats alone could generate pages of discussion. But, I live half a world away and I'm probably wrong.