Originally Posted by shortactionsmoker
Paul mentioned Bergara above and we’ve continued to receive a decent supply from them. They have two big “X’s” in my book - they’re heavy and they don’t currently import stainless rifles. I know Ruger and Winchester weren’t known for light rifles, but they were American made. That’s a big plus in my book.

I’m all for American made, but we no longer have a nationalistic mental climate here, or a true capitalist system but rather big, global corporations. The “made in China” attitude has spilled over to all kinds of products even when not made in China. Profits — cheap means of production trumping quality, and meeting a price point are the priority. Also, the tactical style has overtaken us as you mentioned.

The secondary gun makers, niche shops, and special runs have sprung up presumably to meet the demand of ‘Fire type folks but they are small production venues and seem to struggle with any consistency, are one-of situations, or even fall out of the market..

I certainly don’t have all the answers concerning a business you are in but It seems to indicate that we — ‘Fire type folks and the desires we have in common — are a small and shrinking demographic.