Dont worry, the new bugbear is here. They are about to link the financial damage of the last two years to the russian conflict.

We emptied middle class business of wealth and every countries richest just doubled their net worth. Gee the financial destruction seems a little unbalanced dont it? Even warren buffet one of the worlds richest men said the pandemic has been 'suprisingly good to big business' LOL

Supply Chain is crippled and bought out by the top few players. Im in international logistics and shipping costs have jumped 1000%. That effects everything you own and these costs have to be passed on. Keeping in mind it happened well before ( like 12 months before) Russia embarked on its nothing war with some country you cant even find on a map....

The only good thing about this and I have been saying it for two years is both groups, the believers and covid disbelievers will finally agree on something- inflation.

Life gets tough when the salary you earn today only buys you half the amount of goods tomorrow . Strap in kids.