Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by DBT
The World is run by Lunatics more interested in lining their own pockets and stocking their own egos than focusing on good governance.
That is if, acting in their own interest, they are even capable of it.
Rather than being lunatics, those you cite are acting in accordance with the basic nature of mankind which is selfish, greedy and inclined to take advantage of other humans. There are ways in which some humans overcome such basic traits and are able to follow a higher level of moral action.

"Good governance" is not a logical outcome of natural human behavior. Mankind has tried and tried to create and maintain systems of good governance and some of those have endured for a period of time. All have failed in the end. Simply look around today - test the wind.

Humans behaving naturally rather than following a higher code.

Mic drop!

Explains the winners and losers globally.
Why resource rich, well educated, Russia never advances.
How Israel created a beautiful country in the Desert.

And what is happening to our country.
Won't go into religion, beyond saying we have lost sight of the
basic rules of Judeo/Christian theology.

Boiled down, most of those were simply the roadmap to further a
Well said.

Whatever a person’s feelings on Judeo/Christian theology are it has provided the best blueprint philosophically to date on how to live, raise a family and organize a society in world history. Strong nuclear families, hard work, self sacrifice, honesty, deference to bosses and those placed in a higher position but without blind obedience, and self reliance among other core ideals are widely understood Christian fundamentals.

It’s no accident that those Judeo/Christian values built the modern world everywhere that they gained a foothold in the West or that we’re seeing it crumble the further that we drift away from it.