Just as a point of interest about contagion and death rates.
If you have ever raised animals of any sort it pretty obvious what occurs. If you have a couple chickens or pigs or cows etc etc it’s no problem.
Get yourself a couple thousand and see what happens. The spread of illness and death explodes.
It’s no different with people. We here in the USA have cities with more people than Australias entire country. This is not a dig on Australia. I prefer less people that’s why I live in ND.
But the truth is we have a death rate of way less than

half a percent. I’m just getting over my second bout of Covid with no preventive measures or shots. This last bout was like a cold.
I believe the genetic makeup has more to do with it than any drug. It’s my own personal decision not to take the so called vaccine.
I do know the vax won’t kill me.
Have a nice day folks. Edk