Originally Posted by AKA_Spook
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
It feels very different to people in a group when they are treated with inequity or their freedoms are trampled on account of being a member of a group.

Paul, I think the real deal is becoming this: As White, Hunting/Gun owning, Conservative men we've felt society's loathing for quite long enough. No matter what, its our fault even when it isnt?
When blacks riot its because of how badly we've treated them.
When gay people die it has to be because of something straight men did.
When a woman ends up in a shelter its due to men in general being cruel.
When we complain that non citizens are streaming across our border we lack empathy.

Is it any wonder that as a group, white men have become less than compassionate??

This world/country enjoys the comforts and amenities it does largely due to the past efforts of white men.

Now we're the devil because 'they" say so. Its no wonder everyone would just as soon they all keel over and leave us alone.
You reap what you sow.

Now you are starting to understand what it's like to be targeted because you belong to a certain group.