Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Verylargeboots
Government hit. He was hit 7 days after announcing he was going to expose the biggest corruption in America.

The Skull and Bones Society.

CY A Job with LBJs and G Bush's help. He had promised, "I will blow the CY A into a thousand pieces for the wind to blow away". He was also going to have the illegal Federal Reserve Bank audited and destroy it.

The Titanic went down to take out John Jacob Astor and 2 others who were going to stop the 1913 act creating it. JP Morgan was the agent of the Rothschilds pushing it.

The CY A is the strong arm of the Illuminati's WEF as is the Mossad and Britains M 6.

The CY A had agents in the WH intercepting Trumps foreign correspondence and leaking it to destroy Trump.

Told ya