Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Verylargeboots
Government hit. He was hit 7 days after announcing he was going to expose the biggest corruption in America.

The Skull and Bones Society.

CY A Job with LBJs and G Bush's help. He had promised, "I will blow the CY A into a thousand pieces for the wind to blow away". He was also going to have the illegal Federal Reserve Bank audited and destroy it.

Remember G Bush and his NWO?

The Titanic went down to take out John Jacob Astor and 2 others who were going to stop the 1913 act creating it. JP Morgan was the agent of the Rothschilds pushing it.

The CY A is the strong arm of the Illuminati's WEF as is the Mossad and Britains M 6.

The CY A had agents in the WH intercepting Trumps foreign correspondence and leaking it to destroy Trump.

^^^^ This