Originally Posted by victoro
JFK made a lot of powerful enemies soon after he was elected:
1) All the big bankers (especially the Federal Reserve bankers) because he wanted to go back on the gold standard.
2) The Mafia because he brother was going to start investigating them.
3) The Military Industrial Complex who wanted a war in Vietnam. In October of 1963 when he found out that we had 25,000 Special Forces "advisors" in Vietnam he issued an order to bring 10,000 of them back to the USA immediately and the rest by the end of 1963. JKK was killed in Dallas the next month and LBJ was sworn in.
4) LBJ because he didn't have much time left to be President because of his poor health and Lady Bird had a lot of stock in Bell Helicopter. LBJ prolonged the Vietnam war for as long as he could.

JFK was a syphilitic, pathetic piece of a democrat! No more, no less. A dumbastic president, owned by the communists...he didn't support the Bay of Pigs operation! All in all, he made America pay for it...[bleep]!

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