Perhaps the most powerful single piece of evidence that there
was no conspiracy in the murder of President Kennedy is simply the
fact that after all these years there is NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE, direct
or circumstantial, that any of the persons or groups suspected by
conspiracy theorists (e.g., organized crime, CIA, KGB, FBI, military-
industrial complex, Castro, LBJ, etc.) or anyone else conspired with
Oswald to kill Kennedy.

"And when there is NO EVIDENCE of something, although not
conclusive, this itself is very, very persuasive evidence that the
alleged "something" does not exist. Particularly here where the search
for the "something" (conspiracy) has been the greatest and most
comprehensive search for anything in American, perhaps world history.

"I mean, way back in 1965, BEFORE over forty additional years of
microscopic investigation of the case by governmental groups and
thousands of researchers, Dwight Macdonald wrote, "I can't believe
that among the many hundreds of detectives, Federal Bureau of
Investigation and Secret Service agents, and [counsel] for the Warren
Commission...not one would be bright or lucky enough to discover or
stumble across some clue [of a conspiracy] if there were any there."

"But not one clue of a conspiracy has ever surfaced. And this is
so despite the fact that the two people the conspirators would have
had to rely on the most not to leave a clue, Lee Harvey Oswald and
Jack Ruby, were notoriously unreliable.

"A conspiracy is nothing more than a criminal partnership. And
although conspiracies obviously aren't proved by the transcript of a
stenographer who typed up a conversation between the partners agreeing
to commit the crime, there has to be some substantive evidence of the
conspiracy or partnership's existence. VB

Coyotes shot no waiting.