It's clear that LBJ and Allen Dulles were the instigators of the killing. Clint Murchison orchestrated the murder, using Carlos Marcellos' resources and men/machine. Murchison's friend, Dr. Alton Oschner, former American Cancer Society president, assisted in getting rid of Jack Ruby, who died of a sudden onset virulent cancer while in prison. Oschner conducted secret cancer research for the CIA and was a rabid Communism hater.

The CFR wanted Kennedy gone, also, and were, and still are a prime Deep Swamp mover. Kennedy was about to wage war on the Federal Reserve corruption and power. The CFR turned a thumb's down. Kennedy's firing of Allen Dulles as CIA director brought deep state CIA assets on board, along with the Joint Chiefs. Kennedy was doing what Eisenhower was unable or afraid to do, dismantling the post war Military Industrial Complex. That got him killed.

TV has become nothing more than the Petri dish where this country grows its idiots.