.gov still withholding 16,000 records from the Kennedy assassination files.

"A lawsuit is asking National Archives officials to finally release the last 16-thousand Kennedy assassination records. Those files could finally unlock the remaining mysteries of JFK plots in Chicago, and elsewhere, that failed, and the one in Dallas that didn't.

The Mary Ferrell Foundation, the nation's largest online repository of Kennedy assassination records, filed the lawsuit. The next court date is in early January. The suit is asking President Biden and the National Archives to immediately unlock the remaining records."


It was back in 2017 when everything was going to be released.

"Two thousand-eight hundred records will be released shortly, but after consultations with national intelligence officials President Trump has ordered some documents to be withheld because they could "bring harm" to the military, law enforcement and foreign relations, according to senior White House officials."

Just like the lab leak theory, we're too stupid to handle the truth.


If you work 40 hrs/wk: at 5% inflation and after 5 years, you need a 28% pay raise or to work 44 more hours (*one full extra week* per month+) to make up the difference.

This is inflation