Originally Posted by lapua6547
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by renegade50
Dude got hit with a perfect frontal head shot and his old lady was trying to scoop up his brains off the hood of the trunk.
Magic bullet explanation is pure bullschit.

Oswald was 180° behind him from the frontal fuuuking head that blew his brains out the back of his head.

Idiotic that some of you believe the Warren Commision schit...
When the fuuuking various footage is their showing the fuuuking frontal head shot...


End of story. Period.

The real story has already come out but the sheeple, as usual, aren't aware of the how they've been bamboozled by their so called government.
Countless other times too, and it's getting worse. How many hoaxes have been leveled on Trump that are total bullshit yet it still lingers in sheep minds and continues as we speak!

"an armed society is a polite society"