Originally Posted by Big Stick
Lotsa funny schit here and it's a literal Treasure Trove of outright dumbphucktitude!

The Hubble Gang and their Haybale & Crockett Window Lickin' Safaris,never won't not crack me the [bleep] up. Only gets better with walks in the park and lead vests,as the culmination which arranges their "results". Schit don't get much funnier than that!

To top it,you'd have to ask Magnum Douche P.I.(Puzzy Itches),to hang a pic of her best beastie slain with said wares and to expound a wee bit in the particulars of the fruition,allowing her bandwidth to expound upon the "rigorous trevails" associated with arranging same,which quantify the Hubble's incorporation and deal sealing capabilities.

Of course she'll play dumb,which ain't an Act.

Bless her boundless Imagination!..................

What cracks me up about your posts is after reading them....They are spot on!
Schitt gets stupid here and you call it out.
More game taken with imagination than anything else.

Last edited by Manic_Hunter; 06/12/11.

Here, hold my beer and watch this!