Holy [bleep] schit,you whiners have whining down to a [bleep] SCIENCE!

My ears ain't the best,but did I hear Jeff-O talkin' about shooting and now the addled wannabe do-nothing dilldoe is fancying herself as an Odds Maker and actin' like she has a dollar?!!? I swear there's no end to the collective stupidity of the Do-Nothing Gang!

Your Do-Nothin' Roundup Ruckus,rather reminds me of these scenes from this morning...MUCH noise,much commotion,much fluff and a whole lotta nothing but watching someone else bear fruit.

Hell...even that pun will sail over pointy heads and freshly tasted panes.

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Points to Magnum Douche P.I.(Poosy Itches) for hangin' a picture of her useless rifle,that's never even been pointed at hair and her "incredible" run of drumsticks every 3yrs or so,via scattergun!

Jeezus you dumb bastards is entertainin'!.................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."