
Check the prices of the Nightforce 12-42X56 on google. You will discover they run about $1,400 to $1,450. On the other hand the Swarovski z5 5-25X52 plex runs about $1,600 to $1,675. At my wages that is a significant differnce

This thread is about a Nightforce on a hunting rifle. When I was young, I could easily carry a typical hunting rifle with something the weight of a Nightforce and not given it a second thought.

Do you think a scope that does not do as well as another scope in an image test will do better looking at game? I am very happy for you. This very day I learn that for many shooters good enough is. I want the best I can afford. That does not include the luxury of using one for a year and then putting it in the safe if I don't like it.

At my age, I need to get to whatever I'm gonna get to.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter