Originally Posted by rosco1
Its fairly accurate for me to 500 yards or so..And if conditions are bad enough that I cant use an LRF, 500 is probly plenty..

I agree. If the conditions are too schitty for a good LRF, they are probably too schitty to shoot out very far.

The other thing is, up close a guy can be off by a decent amount on his estimate and still hit vitals.

At closer range, one should have a pretty good idea as to how far a big game animal is without needing any form of device to get the range. If a deer pops out at 320 yards, and you estimate and hold for 275, you'll still kill him with about any decently flat shooting round. Just takes some practice by estimating yardages then using the LRF to test your guess. Do this enough and a guy can get pretty good out to surprisingly far. LRFs sure are nice....much better than pacing off your guesses wink