formodillo, when JB started wondering who you are, I looked at some of your old posts. a few notes, for one I actually think you should be a writer your a very good story teller, seriously. I notice your from the east or south or both. that speaks volumes to me about what your knowledge is of a long range hunter and further your potential lack of it. I grew up in texas, which much of isn't any different than Tennessee or georgia or wherever your from. THERE IS NO PLACE TO LONG RANGE HUNT ANYTHING THERE!!!! further there is no place to shoot long range either other than someone's gun range. because there are too many trees and terrain generally doesn't allow that sort of distance shooting. everything is private land, this tells me most of your shooting is likely at a gun range somewhere. This is why I find it strange you coming on here and telling us westerners how its done.

I also find it strange how you reference LOTS of animals killed every year. This just sounds kinda strange, the people that really do don't brag about shooting "lots of animals every year" The other was your story of the elk hunt, I found it actually a cool story, but the people that have really spent "lots of" time in the mountains I am sure had their jaws drop. dude do you know how close you came to killing yourself?? people like you show up in the mountains all the time they are rescued if they are lucky, less lucky they are found dead, even worse they are never found, period. This happens every year where I live. that is all if your story is indeed true, which I am not going to comment on but others questioned. The mountains are an unforgiving place. even more so in the winter. I found little reference to common preparedness for back packing in the mountains on that trip. I don't say all this to belittle you, I say this so that next time you think about safety and preparedness because it could save your life, I don't think you have any idea even now the dangers that could have happened to you. attempting an elk hunt in the winter mountains ALONE is crazy IMO. I am sure you will pipe in and say I hunt this or that. I am sure you will attempt to debunk what I am saying with a my weiner is bigger that yours hunting comment about all the things you have done. all I am saying is just be careful when you get out in the wilds of the west.