
Anyone in the Race,with a chance of winning the Race...is a Racist.

Pretend ain't real,no matter how hard the Do Nothing Day Dreaming Window Lickers,wish it to be.

But at least Imagination and Pretend are free,so they "think" they can Race.



Ain't it a hoot,that even someone as [bleep] Stupid as you,knows you're a Whining Kchunt? I reckon "living" in Michigan,is rather good for Vagisil sales,you "lucky" kchunt?!? Lafin'!

Please find me "mistaken" and I'll happily take the time,to rub your nose further in your incredible [bleep] Stupidity.

I cain't know which is funnier...the pending awkward silence,Whine or fresh batch of Excuses?!?

Do I smell Imaginary Pretend Ignore,as your Trump Card?!? The ONLY move you've got,is to shut the [bleep] up,take notes and apply same. Not that it ain't funnier than [bleep],that you are powerless in the refrain.


Be sure to wax eloquent upon all the things you've almost done,the wares you nearly did it with and the places you almost did 'em.

Good talk.


Oh...and feel free to cite all them "big" words you couldn't cypher.

[bleep] WOW +P+!!!


Ask AuntWhiney for the "particulars" of her 54.



You really know hot to get after it.



Hang a pic of yourself,so your Douchetitude can be accurately calibrated. I realize your cup runneth over...you "hard charger" you.

What do you do for a living again?!?



GREAT time to lob a cartoon,hang a pic of me Outdoors and frost it with mentioning yet again...how you "don't care".

Make it Outdoors yet this year?!?

Didn't think so.



Here's to the sweet "satisfactions" that are certainly your's,as you "seem" stuff in your Imagination and Pretend...in the accords of your faculties,means and abilities,as extrapolated by your "experience","knowledge" and "results". Laffin'!

Tough to beat a good boolit in the Cheerio,as terminal affects go. He was running purty good(as he'd seen the look in my eye) and it was aboutta "1" on the 1-10 Relative "Difficulty" Scale,to launch an unfriendly 270 grainer outta my favorite 375 H&H Ackley Improved(was slumming 3 of 'em in the larder,at the time),into said orifice,as a means of hitting the Emergency Brake. It exited the chest,should such factoids enable your Whining and further fulfill your Do Nothing Dumbfhukkery.

Now it weren't my intent to horn you up,but them is da' facts. 'Course I'm afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess and I've never seen anyone better with a rifle,than I.

Just sayin'.

[Linked Image]

Perhaps consider going full SuperKchunt...and adding the pic to "your" 'bucket account,as a means of making a daring "stand".



Nawwwww...this Thread is simply more opportunity for the Do Nothing Drooling Dumbfhukks,to showcase their Stupidity,Whine more than a bit and concoct some more Excuses.

That of course,while the astute is connectin' dots and ordering glass and rails.

Funny how it actualy works.(grin)

Imagination and Pretend is free,so The Do Nothing Gang can "participate" too.
