Originally Posted by BuschPilot
Quite amazing Dave!! Great work again!


Also Dave, I sure hope you are not pricing your work too low! Don't be afraid to charge what you are worth -- it can even result in more, not fewer customers.

I was doing computer consulting (mostly to small businesses), and gradually I got too busy to handle all the customers.

I raised my prices a LOT, thinking that this would result in some of the businesses going elsewhere. In fact, the response was more like "Oooh, he must be good to charge so much" and demand actually increased.

We all have seen how good your work is -- make sure you price it accordingly!

(Also, set an alarm clock to make yourself take a break and rest your feet for at least a few minutes every hour -- getting rid of foot problems like yours is harder than nipping the problem in the bud, bud!) grin
