I already weighed in. I consider HawkI a friend here on the fire. As far as when you showed up, I could GAS. You're not really a regular poster and neither is jwp. Whenever y'all show up, things turn nasty. You think I'm negative because I'm negative to you and the other two mentioned. Doesn't matter who "predates" who, HawkI's 16k posts outnumber yours ten to one and he probably mostly posts on this forum. I'm not going to bandy words with you all day, but it's just my opinion. Things almost always turn negative when YOU show up, not HawkI, and the other two [bleep] seem to follow you around licking at your heels just like that other retard who used to think the sun rose and set in your ass.

Sorry for the straight talk. Over and out.

Edited to say: I take sole responsibility for this even though mentioning HawkI. As the politicians say, the views here are my own. One more thing...even though your posts consistently have a negative tone (and that's what really struck me wrong, you taking somebody else to task), the other two morons are more at fault than you. You just seem to attract assmunches for acolytes.

Last edited by EthanEdwards; 02/22/16.