These conversations about the 270 vs 280 have been raging on for ...oh....maybe since the 1970's (?),or at least that's when I became aware..

I never participated having rifles chambered for both, but finally grew weary of 280 lectures at the LGS, and said "piss on it" and bought a 7Rem Mag, leaving them both firmly in the dust.

I concluded it didn't matter which of the other two I owned because there was nothing I could do with a 280 that I couldn't do with a 270.....I was right on both counts.

When I joined the CF I was not surprised to see the same silly arguments going on.Might be one of the biggest wastes of grey matter in the rifle shooting world...especially today. smile

The 280 Remington is overbore.

The 7 Rem Mag is over bore.