Bottom line is velocity is directly tied to pressure. You can't have one without the other. Convince yourself of whatever you want. Deny that there is a direct correlation. I'd say there's a majority of fellas here that have run wildcats quite a bit so you haven't cornered a new market. Wanna understand pressure relationships give Charlie Sisk a call. Wanna get a fair idea of your pressure, try quickload.

You guys wanna run your rigs at velocities and pressures above sammi specs. go for it, but don't try and convince everyone that it's acceptable. There have been a number of cases where guns have blown up and the cause was an overcharge of powder. Your justification that it hasn't happened to yo yet doesn't mean it won't. I've personally seen a bolt with cracked lugs from overloading. Luckily caught before somebody had a big accident.

I don't buy the whole wildcat thing either. You're advocating running charges that are well over equivalent sammi specs in known cartridges and there are young guys on this forum that don't have the sense to know better than to go try this sort of thing themselves.

You wanna do it go ahead, chlorine in the gene pool, but stop trying to convince other people to jump in with ya.

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