Titty Shooter,

May have more than (1) rifle myself and in mebbe more than (1) chambering.

Boolit weight means dick.



You poor,poor stupid [bleep].

Bless your heart,that you're still [bleep] tryin'.



My first pitch would be a 75A-Max kiss,in front of '335,with 400 fueled R/P hulls.

I hear good thangs.


Do tell about how a 243 and 7-08 are "tough" to load for. Laffin'!

Please consider Whining a leetle louder,a leetle longer and leetle more often about your Do Nothing Bob.

It's a [bleep] hoot!


Grab a 223 Montucky and let everyone take a turn,then get back to me.

300yds ain't nearly far enough away,to be "fair".



The upside to a 9" 6mm,is that there is no downside. You can go .547 BC in 105,if'n you wish...though in fairness I'm smitten with .530 Fueled Forays.

Cheer up,it ain't like I ain't suffered 1-10" and 12" 6mm's.



Too bad I cain't recall the 100's of 1000's of kisses I've happily launched.

Hell...I reckon I may even toted a smooch on a Hunt.


This schit do get funny and fast.