
It remains a shame,that you are devoid any inkling to your impressive cluelessness.

But it do make for EPIC [bleep] hilarity! Laffin'!

One could spin you (1) revolution atop a haybale and you wouldn't be able to find your way back to the Golf Cart.

Bless your heart.


Say a leetle sumptin' more about Burger King and gettin' wayyyyy out there via KOA Campground(s).

You poor poor stupid [bleep].



Who dressed you this morning and chewed your food for you?



Don't be so harsh,as I rather enjoy the harrowing "Adventures" of The Do Nothing Gang and the fascinating "particulars" of the wares they put to "use".

Saturday Night Live don't have schit half this funny and these poor stupid [bleep] are doing their best,not to be.(grin)

[bleep] awesome +P+!