The Southwest Summer Campfire gathering this year is scheduled for August 3rd through 5th at Armijo Springs Campground, approximately 24 miles south of the town of Quemado, in western New Mexico. More detailed planning and preparation will be posted in this thread during the next several weeks. It is likely that gathering of foodstuffs and preparation of meals will be a shared enterprise for the first time in several years. Kent's work schedule probably will have him and his trailer elsewhere this year. If you plan to attend, please think about how you might be able to help with this.

As you may know, the region has experienced the driest winter and spring in recent memory. The landscape is quite crispy, forest fires are roaring, and forest restrictions or closures are in effect at this time. Consequently, the hoped-for summer rains will determine the final location. If needed moisture does not come in a timely manner, there may be very limiting restrictions at our intended camp site, and we may need to change locations.

For this reason, driving directions will be posted later when we have a better idea about the status of current Forest Service campground restrictions and closures. In the meantime, please pray for rain grin and let us know if you are planning to join us this year.

Hoping to see many of our old friends and some new faces!

Rick, can you please make this a "sticky"?


Some days it takes most of the day for me to do practically nothing...