The Green Team made it home about fifteen minutes ago. Thanks to everyone for the kindness and patience shown to my little family unit. I am still learning OTJ how to be a parent. The girls had a blast. I asked them what were their favorite parts of this trip and they listed "Friends, the forest and dogs." Jade added, "I was in dog heaven!" But she was still a little sore about Chubs nipping her in the backside. I thought it was hilarious.<grin>

The food was excellent, so I ate more than my fair share. Paul, I expect that pm you promised me so I can settle. I enjoyed taking the girls for the impromptu .22 shoot. Julia, Jade, and Mary were all enthusiastic new shooters. Kevin and Norm, you are lucky fellows. Norm, that son of yours (Robert) couldn't miss with the Savage Rascal. You could see how proud the little sister was of him. Ken and Warden Jr., thanks for teaching my Jade how to shoot your pistol. She is more obedient when people other than I try to teach her something. She gets that from her mother. And the Henry looked great on both of you.

I can't begin to state how good this was for me, so I won't try. But I will say that ALL of you have a tremendous amount of class. I am humbled and grateful that you let me hang out.

God Bless ans stay safe,

Tracy Green

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe