Right now I have a 60% chance of making it. The wife might have to stay for family reasons - her father is in ill health- but I selfishly will take the girls. If the wife makes it, I may rent a small pop-up trailer for her. Is there enough room for a truck and trailer?
If she can't make, I cannot show off her cooking skills. But I can camp under a lean-to.

As we get closer and if I commit, please let us know what foodstuffs we should bring, or provide for ourselves.

Also, I have a fair amount of scrap lead in 1lb ingots, if any bullet or fishing weight casters need any. I cleaned out a homeless encampment behind the metal recycle yard and arrested one of the most prolific scrap metal burglars in town so the yard foreman loves me. He also loves my wife's cookies. We call it a fair trade.

You may think that sounds odd, but when the junkies steal $5000 worth of copper from a legitimate family business, you get my attention.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe