I must have been lucky. Two years ago (my last visit), I had a blow out on the rear drivers side of my truck. While pulling a 30' trailer. I Stopped to put the spare on.
A nice young deputy sheriff driving down the highway stopped to to observe. I'm sure that the real story is that he saw a pistol strapped to my side and wanted to know
what it was all about. Anyway, no tickets, no visit to the gray bar hotel. It might of helped just a tad when he asked why I carried a Glock and told him that it had been
issued to me by Sheriff Joe at MCSO. grin

James Pepper: There's no law west of Dodge and no God west of the Pecos. Right, Mr. Chisum? John Chisum: Wrong, Mr. Pepper. Because no matter where people go, sooner or later there's the law. And sooner or later they find God's already been there.