Originally Posted by hitandmiss
I will bring a couple 10x10 canopies. Also will have an ice chest with water and whateverelse.

OK hitandmiss, this is great. A total of 10x20 with those canopies together will make the shooting line much more enjoyable - and the chest of ice/drinks is much welcomed. Thanks. When do you plan to arrive? (Hoping to set up the range on Friday afternoon for those evening shoots.)

TO THOSE NOT YET BRINGING ANYTHING: We now do have paper plates/bowls/cups/garbage bags from the "need" list. Still need plastic utensils and some paper towels.

In the food dept, we have most of the food for both evening dinners, including watermelon, but still need 12 t0 15 lbs, of potato salad, tortilla chips, and some more easy fruit (grapes/cherries/apples) or other dessert stuff.

We also could enjoy some fruit juice to go with breakfasts.

Finally (I think) - we need someone to volunteer to be the coffee purveyor for all four meals - and to bring the needed coffee.

Let's hear from more of youse.

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron