Originally Posted by CCCC
Gene - this is very good news. Your being here once more will certainly help fill in the "wise, experienced and interesting" space - and your getting here with Miles will give the greeters a double shot of glad.

Let me piggyback on your good post and list the stuff folks have not yet volunteered:

Danish or other pastries for early breakfast - and if folks like such to go with eggs/bacon/potatoes, etc.
12 t0 15 lbs, of potato salad for Saturday evening dinner
Easy fruit (grapes/cherries/apples)
Dessert stuff for evening dinners
Condiments: butter

We plan to drive over on Friday, arriving in the afternoon sometime.

I'll consult with the expert/boss, but we should be able to bring some of that list.


Norman Solberg
International lawyer, lately for 25 years in Japan, now working on trusts in the US, the 3rd greatest tax haven. NRA Life Member for over 50 years, NRA Endowment (2014), Patron (2016).