A couple of the young (early-20s) sales guys I work with were very curious yesterday about how I’d managed to generate more leads (and contracts) in a couple days.... than our entire marketing team had in a week. My response: “you guys need to take a more tactical approach”. Meaning; do your research, be prepared, and focus on areas/people where your efforts will be more effective.... know your enemy, so to speak.

One of the kids looked at me all weirded-out.... and literally said “I hate guns, I’ll never take a tactical approach to anything”.

Funny how the word “Tactical” inspires visions of guys rappelling off a rooftop and smashing through a window with MP5 in hand...... especially to snowflakes.... and the 24HCF Get-off-my-Lawn crew.

I’d take one good synthetic stocked, stainless barreled, quality scoped rifle... in a caliber capable of pushing .550-.650 BC bullets at 2900ish.... over a dozen Pre-64 M70’s. But to me, rifles are tools, and they need to be able to handle everything I, and Mother Nature, can throw at them.

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......