Whether a person is a Tacttard, Tacticool, Tactifool, poser, legit ex-military, motivated prepper . . . whatever the preferences and reasons for them, for the most part, I don't care. I hope people are safe and responsible. I know gun owners who still vote "wrong headed", but I figure the more gun owners the better our chances at the ballot box. In addition, it would be great if people's public behavior didn't turn off those on the fence concerning guns.

I'm interested in lots of different guns, because I want to learn and stay relevant. I love my "nice" guns, but I own some straight up "tools" as well. If it ever comes to it, you'd like to have something that will shoot the ammo that will be most available and you'd like to at least know how to use a "pick up" gun if it comes to it.

Life is a lot easier if you don't judge what doesn't overly affect you.

Clinging to guns & religion since 1959

Keyboards make people braver than alcohol

Election Integrity is more important than Election Convenience

Washington Post: "Democracy Dies in Darkness"
More correct: "Killing Democracy Faster Than Darkness"