Here's how I see the "facts"

Witness: He did it, everyone was in the loop, we all knew it to be true.
Questioner: Ok, how did you know it to be true?
Witness: Because everyone knew it to be true, after all I heard someone say they were told they heard he said it on a phone call?
Questioner: Were you in the room listening to teh call?
Witness: No
Questioner: Was the person who told you in the room?
Witness: No
Questioner: Did Trump ever tell you?
Witness : No
Questioner: Have you ever met Trump?
Witness: No
Questioner: So if nobody heard him say it, how do you know he said it?
Witness: Because everyone knows he said it, so he must have

Ummmmm, like talking to one of my kids when they were 3.