Originally Posted by greydog
Here are the facts: Just like Richard Nixon, Trump made a stupid error. Nixon didn't need to allow people to break into a hotel suite to get info on the Dem campaign; he was going to win anyway. Donald Trump doesn't need to smear the Bidens; he probably wouldn't be running against Joe anyway. The Dems will probably decide to run a woman (preferably a colored lesbian) anyway and Trump will win. It has been demonstrated that the real Trumpeteers cannot be swayed. The Democrats will insist on running some one who is unsupportable (again) and Trump can only beat himself. If Trump can get past this (and there is a real good chance. They've got nothin'), all he has to do is avoid being stupid (a much greater challenge) and he'll be staying in the Whitehouse. GD

greydog, WTF!?

".. Trump made a stupid error" Really? What stupid error?

Are you referring to Trump executing his oath of office by following through with the treaty signed by slick willy (thats pres bill clinton for those in denial) with Ukraine back in the 90's that requires cooperation between our two countries on issues of mutual corruption?

Creepy uncle Joe very clearly stated his success in blackmailing then Ukrainian president Poroschenko in the youtube video for all to see.

Go look up the phone call transcripts, they're easy to find with just a few clicks. No quid pro quo anywhere anyplace in that call.

Go back and listen to ambassador Sondlands' testimony during the hearings. He said very clearly, Trump didn't want anything to do with quid pro quo.

With all the technology available today to Americans we still have people in this country that act like Barney Fife....and no, you don't get your bullet!

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

"Unjust authority confers no obligation of obedience."
- Alexander Hamilton