Ejp. Small minds worry about such things. Faith allows some of us to accept the finality of our short lives and know we are a small cog in the wheel of life. None of us wants to leave early but what if our passing is the catalyst for great works or furthers Gods plan? Faith gives one the strength and wisdom to deal with the fears and realities of our existence, and sometimes we have no more cognizant ability to discern the end result than that moth. Cancer sucks, loss of a loved one hurts. God’s love helps heal the wound.

My heart aches for you atheist/agnostic types. I wish you all the best and pray God’s blessings on you and that his will works through people put in your path. Saul could not resist his calling and I expect neither can you all. Please have a great night and I wish you all the best in your life. Not trying to be petty or judgmental as I am a flawed human being myself. Words from an unworthy man saved by grace.