a 1 year old girl in our church named prayer (her first name) fell in a backyard swimming pool. she was brought back to life, but had brain damage.. about half of her brain was dead. she was attended to by the best brain doctors to be found.. prayers were sent up every week for her.. a foundation was formed to provide money for her support . a new house was built just to help for handicapped people.. every thing that could be done to provide money and prayers for her was done probably more than a million people were praying for her. a year later she was worse, as her brain continued to shrink,. the doctors finally told the parents that nothing else could be done for her and would not treat her anymore.. In a few months she passed away... so my question is why did GOD not help this baby it wasent because of lack of prayers. he just dident seem to want to help her at all.. that is about why I no longer waste my time going to church it is all a scam..