Originally Posted by Ejp1234

And why would all of us deserve to go to hell?

In some ways, since no one is perfect, the real question isn’t: “Why does anyone go to hell?” but: “Why does anyone go to heaven?”

If life were “fair”, we would all go to hell and no one would get to live in heaven, in God’s perfect kingdom beyond Jesus’ return. But the amazing news is that God has done something to make it possible for imperfect people like us to live in his perfect kingdom beyond death, and he did it through Jesus, his Son. Jesus will return to this world to judge and punish; but first, he came to this world to serve and to save.

Jesus made it possible for people to have life with God instead of the hell we deserve by taking the punishment of separation from his Father God’s love and all good things. That’s what he did on the cross, where he cried out: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34)

It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.