Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by DBT
Morality is a human construct. Nature cares not in the slightest about suffering, whether a lion eats a lamb while it's still alive, or a child is left to die of starvation.

Wrong. You justify your animal like nature.
God gave a spirit and made the difference between human and animals.
Many elect to reject that and remain as lower class animals, as you do. You hardened your heart, not the hearts of others. You hardened your heart, not Him.
Others know what's inside them. A God given spirit.

So, here you are, a base animal, yet you will be a mind reader and tell others what's in them? Take your pick, dumb animal or psychiatrist.

If most humans were dumb animals like you, they wouldnt have the ability to form moral constructs.

You disprove your own words. Here you are, an unmoraled animal trying to push your amorality on others, that in itself is an attempt at building a social construct.
What drive do you have that forces you to do that? Hummm.

An education might help. There must be adult courses on science, sociology
psychology, erc, available in your town or city? Just a suggestion.

People are alive who were blind like you, and now some can see. But, geniuses, like you, can be blind and still tell people who have learned to see, what things really look like? Right. wink

You just keep on telling folks who have seen both sides of life that both sides of the coin look the same as the only side you have seen. You dont even have the intelligence to comprehend what I'm saying.

Go ask a deaf person what a meadowlark sounds like.

A Christian has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If there were no Jesus Christ it would be impossible for a relationship to exist.

Youre too stupid to realize some on this earth experience things you dont, or you're pissed off about it and attack Believers and Christ because you aren't so blessed.

You're too stupid to consider some people may have prayers answered, regardless whether you do or not.

HE said the prayer of a righteous man availeth much. You lie. Not Him.

That's not a rational argument. You are preaching in a defensive manner. It only fools those who are of the same mind, defending their faith.

It's quite understandable.

Doc went off the rails about 3 years ago.

That's about when he started loosing his ability to make rational arguments. He hasn't been the same since.

Jag-off is a Doc? You're joking right? I wouldn't see him for an in grown hair!

Doc, as in Doctor of Optometry.

Don't worry, I doubt you would ever have to see him. I imagine your insurance is way to good. His patience are all welfare cases.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell