Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by DBT
Morality is a human construct. Nature cares not in the slightest about suffering, whether a lion eats a lamb while it's still alive, or a child is left to die of starvation.

Wrong. You justify your animal like nature.
God gave a spirit and made the difference between human and animals.
Many elect to reject that and remain as lower class animals, as you do. You hardened your heart, not the hearts of others. You hardened your heart, not Him.
Others know what's inside them. A God given spirit.

So, here you are, a base animal, yet you will be a mind reader and tell others what's in them? Take your pick, dumb animal or psychiatrist.

If most humans were dumb animals like you, they wouldnt have the ability to form moral constructs.

You disprove your own words. Here you are, an unmoraled animal trying to push your amorality on others, that in itself is an attempt at building a social construct.
What drive do you have that forces you to do that? Hummm.

Yet another hate filled insulting post by Jag... lol, the most christian man ever hahahaha