Never had a pit never will, the last 4 dogs been rescued first 3 from my ex wife. She didn't take the first 2 when she left dumped them on me. Dog 1 was a Gordon setter bitch who had a hot nose and was a hunting fool couldn't swim and didn't really give a damn about retrieving she was the finest marking dog I've ever seen never lost a bird with her. She would fly to where they went down hunt them up stand on them and pull the tail feathers out till you showed up if they weren't dead. The absolutely most gentle dog you ever saw, I had to have her put down at 15. The black lab bitch she left was a break the glass in case of retrieve and never failed to do so but absolutely worthless as a flush hunting dog just a retriever damn fine one at that, died at 10.5 with stomach problems. Wasn't more than a month after our divorce was final that the ex bought a house and went to the pound and got a dog for our daughter at 4.5 years old. She picked flat coat retriever that some people dumped there when they got orders for a different base. Coal was only about 1.5 years old and way to active for a 4.5 year old girl. Bob to the rescue I knew they would off him at the pound and he was a retriever and a half. He learned logrythmically in the field and hunted well flawlessly retrieving anything you shot. At 8.5 or so Coal couldn't hunt any more he was having seizures, so I just let him be a dog he would follow me anywhere just happy to be with me. He slept in the house at night at the foot of my bed, he'd get up at somewhere between 2-4 and need out so I thought ,he 'd come on over and nose my elbow until I woke to let him out and 5 minutes he was ready to come back in went on for over a year. In Sept of 2014 he woke me twice one night and at 6am I sure felt like hell and only half there fed him and went to work. Wasn't at work for more than 10 minutes and my coworker asked me if I was all right and I told I didn't feel all that hot, long story short I was having a stroke. I got talked into getting checked out and was in the hospital for 2 days and 20 k worth a bills. The cardiologist wanted me to get a sleep test and I was diagnosed with sleep apnea so then Iwas prescribed a sleep respirator , slept well after that and wasn't until a couple months passed that I realized that Coal didn't wake me to go out anymore. I finally realized he never really had to go out but would wake me when I quit breathing in my sleep. He couldn't hunt anymore but he found another job just looking after me. Some dogs operate at higher levels than other dogs just like people. I come home after work one day in April and he was down in his kennel, he was in bad shape from a seizure so I picked him up and layed him out on the seat of my Tacoma for a trip to the vet , never made it out of the yard he licked my hand twice and died on the spot. . Last dog was a bitch English Springer Spaniel at 2.5 Ruby developed people issues which were going to be a problem. Pretty simple really a little narrow between the eyes and just like a woman she by god will pick her own friends and don't try to make friends with her ,when SHE decides your ok she will make friends with you. Ruby slowing way down with old age at 11.5. When she goes I'll get another hunting dog because you know a man without a dog doesn't have jack [bleep]. MB

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "